Meets the Eye - Final Production
Meets the Eye Blog.
January 22nd 2018
We decided as a group to start our pre production on our final movie. We began with discussing ideas to each other for a film idea and to fill out a timescale to make sure the movie will be made on the appropriate deadline. Having a timescale done first was essential, this way we knew exactly how much time we had to work on certain jobs and tasks and when the film should be made.
Once I had the timescale planned out, we as a group began brainstorming different ideas we had for a film that we would create as our final major project. I used a site called to create a mindmap for our brainstorms since its easy to follow and easy to compare the ideas we had.BrainStorming
January 23rd 2018
After coming up with the right film to do as a our final major project, I started work on the moodboards for our film. Moodboards are an important part to the pre production stage because it puts our tone and emotion that we wish to achieve with the film down on paper instead of keeping that information in our heads. It also displays the colour of the film and what tones will be used throughout.
Movie Moodboard
Joels moodboard
Jordans moodoard
February 5th 2018
After we had come to a conclusion on which idea we will be using to create a film out of, we then had to make sure we would have the right resources to make it happen. We wrote down a list of everything we may need when creating the film.
Resources for the Final Production.
The resources that will be needed for the production:
* Equipment
* Props
* Actors/Actresses
* Crew
* Certain Locations
Camera(s) - Canon Legria HFG25 Camcorder & Bag.
Canon Legria HFG25 Camcorder & Bag.
Audio Equipment - Tascam DR-05
Tascam DR-05
Headphones & Adapter
Tripod - Libec TH 650DV Tripod +Plate & Bag
Libec TH 650DV Tripod +Plate & Bag
Editing Software - Final Cut Pro
Sony Vegas
Adobe Premiere
Computer/Mac - Mac/Macbook
Windows 10 Laptop.
Important props.
* Mobile Phone.
(Used as a major plot device to further the story of the film, it displays a text message which frightens the main protagonist.)
* Files and Folders
(Pictures showing students and Angharad for plot releanvece).
* Fake Blood
(This will be used when the main protagonist “dies” in her nightmare.)
* Handcuffs
(Used to arrest Jordan at the finale)
* Macbook
(Used for the research angharad does when she’s at home.)
* Angharad Roberts as Angharad.
Angharad will be playing as the main protagonist in the film. Her character will be a frightened and cautious character
* Jordan Edwards as Jordan
Jordan will be playing as the supposible main antagonist throughout the film. His character is that of a new tutour that has taken the job in the last september. The protagonist fears he may have taken this job as a way to get close to unaware students who he can murder for his own agenda.
* Joel Priestnall as Joel.
Joel plays the main protagonists only friend. He may sometimes come off as unpredictable in personality at the tutor but always loyal to the main protagonist.
* Tim Sanders
Tim will be a brief appearance in the production to fill the role as Angharad's father.
* Harrison Sanders
Will be working as a camera operator, location planner and the main editor for the production.
* Angharad Roberts
Angharad's role is co-editor, director and actress in the production. She’s also the main writer.
* Joel Priestnall
Joel will be working as a camera operator, researcher and actor in the film.
* Colwyn Bay
In car scenes of angharad traveling home after she finds the text from Jordan claiming that he’s going to kill her.
* Abergele
Harrisons house for the scenes whenever Angharad goes home. She goes home to conduct research about the deaths that relate to Jordans folder and to show her being depressed at home.
* College
Hannahs Classroom:
Used as the secondary classroom for Angharad when she sits with Joel. She also uses this room to ask Hannah where Jordan's office is located.
Jordans Classroom:
His classroom is used in the opening scene for Angharad to find the text message that initiates a series of different scenarios throughout the movie.
Primary only used during Angharad's nightmare and heer fear of the alleged murderer, Jordan.
Jordans Office:
The office will be used for Angharad to find Jordans file containing the two murders and Angharad's empty page. Which solidifies Angharad's beliefs that he is the murderer.
The personell is made for the sole purpose to assign roles to the people involved in the making of the film. This gives everyone an idea on what they'll be doing over the rest of the year. We created the Personell once we decided on who will be acting in the movie.
February 6th 2018
Audience figures is important as it shows us who we'll be targeting our movie too and what that targeted group will like. To find the information I used the site as its a respectable and credible source on finding the important information regarding audience figures. I also looked into the BARB to make sure we know our films genre is still popular and still gaining good views on television
The genre for our film will be a Psychological Thriller. The reason why the film will be this type
of genre is because of the different moods the film will try and bring to the audience such as
suspense, excitement, anxiety and anticipation all of which fit within the genre. It’s important to
research the type of demographic our film will try to reach for, so we did research into other
similar thrillers to see their type of audiences and to find what's in common with them.
Psychological Thriller is the same as Thriller but the main differences is that they tend to
focus and emphasise an unstable and the delusional traits of its characters.
In “What meets the Eye.” the film will focus on Angharad's mentality, Jordans
misconceptions and Joel's reactions and understandings of what's happening.
of genre is because of the different moods the film will try and bring to the audience such as
suspense, excitement, anxiety and anticipation all of which fit within the genre. It’s important to
research the type of demographic our film will try to reach for, so we did research into other
similar thrillers to see their type of audiences and to find what's in common with them.
Psychological Thriller is the same as Thriller but the main differences is that they tend to
focus and emphasise an unstable and the delusional traits of its characters.
In “What meets the Eye.” the film will focus on Angharad's mentality, Jordans
misconceptions and Joel's reactions and understandings of what's happening.
To find out our research, we researched;
- Memento
Memento shares a resemblance to our film because it’s a mystery being discovered.
Not only that but the protagonists is taking upon themselves to uncover the murder of their
partner and attempted murder on themselves. Our film is also a mystery to undercover who
may be planning to murder the protagonist and who may have murdered the past college
students. The film will try and trick the audience into thinking it was the main suspect, similar to
Memento. Both films are thrillers as the movie is highly suspenseful, exciting and intriguing.
Not only that but the protagonists is taking upon themselves to uncover the murder of their
partner and attempted murder on themselves. Our film is also a mystery to undercover who
may be planning to murder the protagonist and who may have murdered the past college
students. The film will try and trick the audience into thinking it was the main suspect, similar to
Memento. Both films are thrillers as the movie is highly suspenseful, exciting and intriguing.
- Audience Figures for Memento
I found that the average age and gender to watch Memento is:
- Gender, male
- Average age, 25-39 years old.
Memento is more graphic and features a lot more violence compared to our film, however the
usefulness of the films are comparable so we have to take these audience figures into account.
usefulness of the films are comparable so we have to take these audience figures into account.
- The Sixth Sense
The Sixth Sense is a psychological thriller about a child who see living spirits and a
child psychologist who tries to help and understand the child with his paranormal problem.
However because of this, they both come to a realisation that not everything is what it seems.
The film focuses on the mental state of both characters similarly to ours, who also mainly
focuses on the two main characters. Both films are a mystery being solved, but at the same
time an even bigger mystery is being uncovered.
child psychologist who tries to help and understand the child with his paranormal problem.
However because of this, they both come to a realisation that not everything is what it seems.
The film focuses on the mental state of both characters similarly to ours, who also mainly
focuses on the two main characters. Both films are a mystery being solved, but at the same
time an even bigger mystery is being uncovered.
- Audience figures for The Sixth Sense.
I found that the average age and gender to watch Memento is:
- Gender, female
- Average age, 40-54
The Sixth Sense is based heavily on the paranormal, while ours tends to be more realistic and
be based on an everyday college tutor. However the comparison between our films themes
and The Sixth Sense are still quite similar, so the audience figures we found are relevant to
our research.
be based on an everyday college tutor. However the comparison between our films themes
and The Sixth Sense are still quite similar, so the audience figures we found are relevant to
our research.
What we learned.
With the information we have gathered, we have found the main audience for films of this
genre are usually from young adult to middle aged, we have since decided to make our film
serious and have it feel mature. We also want to make the film have a clever storyline with
subtle messages throughout to showcase the butterfly effect and give hints towards the real
antagonist of the film. The film will have a nightmare sequence to display a paranormal feeling
and have a fast paced action scene to satisfy our audience.
genre are usually from young adult to middle aged, we have since decided to make our film
serious and have it feel mature. We also want to make the film have a clever storyline with
subtle messages throughout to showcase the butterfly effect and give hints towards the real
antagonist of the film. The film will have a nightmare sequence to display a paranormal feeling
and have a fast paced action scene to satisfy our audience.
BARB Findings.
We also looked on sites such as the BARB (Broadcasters Audience Research Board) to see
whether or not on certain channels a thriller would be successful for TV viewing. Channels such
as the Horror Channel features 2 films that are a suspenseful psychological thriller within the
top 10 most viewed films/shows of that channel from the past week and 28 days.
(The films being The Decent and The Return)
whether or not on certain channels a thriller would be successful for TV viewing. Channels such
as the Horror Channel features 2 films that are a suspenseful psychological thriller within the
top 10 most viewed films/shows of that channel from the past week and 28 days.
(The films being The Decent and The Return)
This information provides evidence for a demand for a psychological thriller is there on TV.
February 20th 2018
Floor plans allows us to know where we are filming and how we will be able to film a scene within that location. It easily shows off the entire shot/place and scene before we start to record so we are all well prepared, and hopefully it will take far less time to get the filming done. It can also help in making sure we don't break the 180 rule while filming as we have the entire scene path laid out beforehand.
Floor Plans
Location for Nightmare Scene
Location for Hannahs Classroom
Location for Jordans Office
Location for Angharads Bedroom Scene
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Location for Angharads House Scene
February 26th 2018
Audio Planning
Audio planning is an important part of the pre production stage, it allows us to
prepare with what we will be using and why are we using it. Audio planning also
allows us to think and plan about potential copyright and audio mistakes we may
have and how to overcome certain obstacles.
prepare with what we will be using and why are we using it. Audio planning also
allows us to think and plan about potential copyright and audio mistakes we may
have and how to overcome certain obstacles.
- Recording Equipment
The audio equipment we’ll be using during this production is:
- Blue Yeti.
We’ll use the Blue Yeti microphone for Angharad’s narration scenes since it has a
high quality sound and allows for zero background noise
(Thanks to the audio foam in the studio, where the mic is located)
This will make the narration scenes feel more professional and high quality with
the added bonus of having no background noise to interfere with our scenes.
high quality sound and allows for zero background noise
(Thanks to the audio foam in the studio, where the mic is located)
This will make the narration scenes feel more professional and high quality with
the added bonus of having no background noise to interfere with our scenes.
- Tascam DR-05
We’ll use a Tascam during the production. These allow us to pick up clear and
professional audio from the actors/actress when they’re delivering their lines.
Another reason as to why we’ll be having one to use is because the camera
mics tend to only record what’s around them (or in front of them) however, with
the Tascam we can record the targeted audio no matter where the actor/actress
is within the scene.
professional audio from the actors/actress when they’re delivering their lines.
Another reason as to why we’ll be having one to use is because the camera
mics tend to only record what’s around them (or in front of them) however, with
the Tascam we can record the targeted audio no matter where the actor/actress
is within the scene.
- Shotgun Mic.
The shotgun mic allows us to record audio in a scene directly in front of the
camera without the fear of picking up background noise. Background noise can
easily distract the viewer from what is the main focus of the scene, or it can make
the scene feel unprofessional.
camera without the fear of picking up background noise. Background noise can
easily distract the viewer from what is the main focus of the scene, or it can make
the scene feel unprofessional.
- Software.
- Audacity:
Audacity is a piece of software designed for editing audio, which is why it will be
our main piece of software for audio editing. It’s also good at removing any
unwanted static/noise we may pickup during the shots. Audacity can also allow us
to add any effect we desire onto a piece of audio such as an echo, frequency
changes etc.
our main piece of software for audio editing. It’s also good at removing any
unwanted static/noise we may pickup during the shots. Audacity can also allow us
to add any effect we desire onto a piece of audio such as an echo, frequency
changes etc.
- Recognition of various audio formats
.wav is a raw audio format that has been left completely untouched after
recording, this may have some background noise, static etc. So it isn’t ideal to
use audio in this state which is why we’ll be compressing audio into MP3 as our
main audio format. The reason is because MP3 takes up very little storage
without losing audio quality, this makes it ideal for having a lot of audio on our
computers for use in the film.
recording, this may have some background noise, static etc. So it isn’t ideal to
use audio in this state which is why we’ll be compressing audio into MP3 as our
main audio format. The reason is because MP3 takes up very little storage
without losing audio quality, this makes it ideal for having a lot of audio on our
computers for use in the film.
- Copyrights
We have taken copyright into consideration, the music and sound effects we’ll
use in the production will be free to use due to the fact that the film will only be
used in educational purposes and will not be monetised. And since the film will
only be shown to those who are in some way associated with the college itself,
it will not breach copyright.
use in the production will be free to use due to the fact that the film will only be
used in educational purposes and will not be monetised. And since the film will
only be shown to those who are in some way associated with the college itself,
it will not breach copyright.
March 19th - May 1st 2018
We set up a rushes log while recording at the same time as filming to make sure we knew which ones of the multiple shots/takes were useable in the final film. This would save a lot of time and was extremely helpful in the editing stages of the production as it helped to identify the right take and knowing what that take is.
Rushes Log
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